Nora in 1997 when Fink was O'Keefe and there was all  the time in the world to sit & think about how much I love sitting & thinking.

NOra Fink | Founder//Salonniere

Nora Fink, founded the Atelier du Vin as a compilation of all her favorite things: fine wine, interesting conversation with clever people, historic architecture, the art of entertaining and high fashion design. Her goal with the club is to bring similarly-minded people together to enjoy one another’s company and enrich their lives through the appreciation wine, design, culture, food and travel in a relaxed yet convival atmosphere.Cincinnati private wine club

Phil Gentry | Chef d’Amuse Bouche

Phil joins the ADV after working as the head chef at Fausto in the CAC. His passion for food is rooted in its ability to bring people together and as a medium for his culinary art.

Olivia Faucett | Bubbly Brand Assistant

From a young age Olivia has always had an eye for aesthetics and a talent for problem solving; design and entertaining seem to come naturally. From coordinating open house events, designing invitations, or discussing the flow of events, Olivia focuses on creativity and efficiency. As a marketing major at Clemson University, Olivia always looks for challenging and unique projects like the Atelier Du Vin where she can unleash her creative spirit.

caleb, max & elijah | First Call Bartending

No social gathering in Cincinnati is complete without FCB! They are committed to keeping the party going without dropping a beat. The guys go the extra mile to ensure our events run smoothly. Their charming approach to providing top-notch service helps to elevate our salon experience.

Special Guests

We are so lucky to have a variety of special guests visit the clubhouse to share their knowledge and passions with us! Please contact us if you would like to present to our group.

-Austin & Tony Ferarri (Mom & Em’)

-Gerald Checco (French Pronunciation Lessons)

-Daniel Tonozzi (Italian Lesson)

-Jaelin Simon (Martin & Co. Fine Wines)

-Spencer Tackett (Piazza Discepoli)

-Stephanie Cea (Iris Read)

-Matthew Photides (A History of Wine in 6 Glasses)

-Jim Duane (Seavey Vineyards)

-Alexandra Thompson (Sotto)

Nora in 1997 when Fink was O'Keefe and there was all the time in the world to sit & think about how much I love sitting & thinking.